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Secara umum pengertian Hak Cipta mengacu kepada hak untuk memperbanyak. Dalam pengertian hukum, bagaimanapun, pengertian tepat adalah hak untuk mengawasi perbanyakan ciptaan.

Secara khusus, jenis-jenis ciptaan yang dikategorikan ke dalam pengertian Ciptaan umumnya adalah buku-buku, gambar-gambar, patung-patung, ciptaan musik atau drama, peta, ukir-ukiran & termasuk program komputer.

Seorang Artis, Musisi, Pencipta Program Komputer, Arsitek atau siapapun yang membuat Ciptaan, pastikan bahwa setiap Ciptaan Anda dilindungi oleh hukum.

Hak Cipta adalah hak yang dimiliki individu atau kelompok individu yang telah berhasil menciptakan suatu bentuk ciptaan di bidang ilmu pengetahuan, seni dan sastra.

To apply for copyright protection, the work must meet the following criteria:

  1. Originality. The work must be originated from the author and some effort must have gone into the work creation.
  2. The work must be written down, recorded or otherwise reduced to material form.
  3. The Author must be an individual who is a citizen in Malaysia or a corporate body established in Malaysia, or a person from any of the contracting states under the Berne Convention.
  4. The Author must demonstrate that sufficient effort has been expended to make the work original in character.
  1. Literary Works
    Literary Works, yakni ciptaan yang berbentuk tulisan seperti buku, pamflet, ceramah, kuliah, pidato, peta, terjemahan, tafsir, saduran, bunga rampai, database dan segala bentuk pengalihwujudannya.
  2. Artistic works
    Artistic Works, yakni ciptaan berbentuk gambar-gambar, karya arsitektur, peta, layout karya tulis yang diterbitkan, seni lukis, seni gambar, seni ukir, seni kaligrafi, seni logo, seni batik dan berbagai bentuk seni terapan lainnya.
  3. Musical works
    Musical Works, yakni ciptaan berbentuk musik atau lagu (bunyi) dengan atau tanpa teks.
  4. Karya Turunan
    Karya Turunan, yakni ciptaan yang merupakan turunan dari bentuk awal ciptaan yang sudah ada sebelumnya, seperti karya drama yang berasal dari Buku, film yang disadur dari Buku, terjemahan, tafsir, saduran, bunga rampai, maupun database.
  5. Subject matter other than original works
    The owner of the copyright in a literary, musical or artistic work has the right to control the doing of various acts in respect of his work, including the performance and broadcasting of the work. Such activities may give rise to the creation of other works, which may form the subject matter of separate copyright, such as sound recordings, films and broadcasts.
  6. Published editions of works
    Typographical layout of a published edition of work can be protected under this category. The copyright is conferred on the publisher of the published edition.

Performers in Malaysia are granted with exclusive right to prevent their performance related activities to be copied illegally.

Sound recording, distribution and rental of fixation of any live performance are restricted.

The performer must be a citizen or permanent resident of Malaysia. Where the performer is not a qualified person, performers' right is conferred if the performance:

  1. Takes place in Malaysia;
  2. Is incorporated in sound recordings; or
  3. Has not been fixed in a sound recording but is included in a broadcast qualifying for protection under the Act.

The duration of performers' right in a live performance lasts for a period of 50 years.

Copyright may be infringed by the following act:

  1. Reproduction in any material form;
  2. Communication of work to the public;
  3. Performance, playing or showing to the public;
  4. The distribution of copies to the public by sale or other transfer of ownership; or
  5. Commercial rental of copies of work to the public.